Alexander Papash
Scientist in Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany
Alexander Papash has his expertise in accelerator physics. He has more than 30 years of research and engineering experience in design and operation with scientific and commercial accelerator facilities worldwide, including investigations of non-linear effects and ion kinetics in ultra-low energy storage rings, beam dynamics studies in electron synchrotrons and cyclotrons. He proposed consistent explanation of high beam losses rates, fast growth of momentum spread and beam size in an ultra-low energy rings. Computer simulations of non-linear effects in an electrostatic ion storage rings have been performed and beam tracking in 3D relaxation electric fields were done. Ion kinetics and long term beam dynamics including transition and equilibrium conditions in ultra-low energy rings have been investigated and benchmarked against experimental data. Some predictions on future experiment results are made. He is a Scientist currently working at Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany.