Day 1 :
Keynote Forum
Juan Manuel Navarrete
Keynote: 40K radioactive detection for K quantitative analysis in foodstuff
Time : 09:30-10:10
Juan Manuel Navarrete is a Researcher Professor in the Faculty of Chemistry, Inorganic and Nuclear Chemistry Department, from the National University of Mexico. He obtained the PhD degree from Paris VI University, Pierre et Marie Curie, in 1992.He has published about 120 papers and served as arbitrate-in-reputed-scientific-journals.
40K radioactive detection in foodstuff is easily performed by filling Marinelli containers with any food sample in order to detect the γ rays emitted (energy 1461 KeV, 11% decaying nucleus to 40Ar by electron capture, EC), and detectd either by one NaI(Tl) scintillation or HPGe semiconductor detector. So, if each one is used during a suitable detection time, for example 12 hours overnigth, counts number with reasonable standard deviation are accumulated, and it is possible to compare and obtain better results, when Bq per gram of sample (Bq/gs) is divided by specific activity of elementary K (31.19 Bq/gK) and multiplied by 100, to get the K concentration in the sample as percentage. In this way, to obtain Bq/gs next equation is used:
Bq/gs = Cs – Cb/Ws.xDet. Eff.x0.11 (where: Cs=counts per second obtained from sample;Cb=counts per second obtained from background; Ws=foodstuff sample weigth in grams;Det. Eff.=Detection Efficiency of each detector for 1461 KeV γ rays/100; 0.11=40K branching ratio decaying to 40Ar by EC). Elementary K specific activity is a constant obtained from next equation:
Bq/gK = λN = 0.693x6.02x1023x0.0118/1.28x109x365x24x3600x39.1x100=31.19 Bq/gK
(where: λ=40K decay constant; N=40K atoms number per K gram; 0.693=ln 2; 6.02x1023= Avogadro’s number; 0.0118/100=40K isotopic abundance;1.28x109x365x24x3600=40K half life in seconds; 39.1=Elementary K atomic weigth).
And finally:
K(o/o)=Bqx100/gs / Bq/gK = gKx100/gs
So, severalvegetables, seeds and grains have been analysed for K concentration, and this paper presents the higher K concentration in peels, related to grains of cacao and coffee, obtained by this non destructive, easy and precise enough procedure.
Keynote Forum
Diane Lebeau
Research Engineer
Keynote: Direct mass spectrometry analysis for the understanding of polymers degradation mechanisms
Time : 10:10- 10:50
Diane LEBEAU has completed her PhD from UPMC University (Paris, France) and postdoctoral studies from Roche Diagnostics laboratories in Germany. She is research engineer in the Laboratory of Radiolysis and Organic Matter (LRMO) at the French Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission (CEA, France) since 2009. As a specialist in analytical chemistry, she contributes to the research program conducted by the CEA and devoted to small organic molecules and polymer degradation in the nuclear context. She has published 10 papers.
Because of the wide range of formulations, one class of polymer can have different composition (nature of the monomer, quantity and concentration of monomers for copolymers, average molar mass and so on). Their additives can also be adjusted. In the area of polymers analysis, one of the most important interest is to develop analytical methods allowing a fast and complete characterization of its chemical structure. In the very special context of the nuclear industry, and more specially in the nuclear waste safety domain, degradation mechanisms of polymers have to be understood up to doses as high as dozen of MGy. At theses doses, materials are highly modified, depending on the polymer kind and on the additives. The first in the understanding of the mechanisms is to characterize materials at different doses.
Mass spectrometry allows today to analyze molecules directly from sample for rapid analysis, without any sample preparation. In this study, two ionization sources have been used, Atmospheric Solid Probe Analysis (ASAP) and Direct Analysis in Real Time (DART), for characterization of two industrial polymers, polyurethanes and polyethylene.
DART technique allows detection of additives with good intensity, whereas ASAP technique allows a better desorption of high molar mass polymers in function of their volatilization and/or degradation temperature. Thus, these results compare and contrast these two complementary thermal-based ionization techniques for the direct study of crude polymer. In the nuclear context, these two sources allow to help to follow and understand chemical modification of the polymer with dose.
- Nuclear Engineering & Nuclear Physics
Session Introduction
Ioan Iorga
Senior Researcher in NIPNE-HH institute in Romania
Title: Dismantling case study of the reactor block at the VVR-S nuclear research reactor Magurele, Bucharest
Ioan Iorga is working from 2002 in several big projects like ROM 04029, BOA 3J0021 or EMERSYS. He is Senior Researcher in the decommissioning team from the NIPNE-HH institute in Romania. Under his coordination, the dismantling of radionuclide effluents pipes between the reactor and the treatment plant was successfully completed. He has published more than 8 papers in reputed journals presenting his work. He is one of main author of the VVR-S Decommissioning Plan. He is from 2013 class of PhD students at Faculty of Physics, University of Bucharest with thesis on “Studies to Assess Nuclear and Radiological Installation Prior to Decommissioning”.
The VVR-S nuclear research reactor owned by Horia Hubulei-National Institute of Physics and Nuclear Engineering (IFIN-HH), has functioned between 1957 and 1997 at a nominal thermal power of 2 MW, using low-enriched nuclear fuel (10%) type EK-10 and highly enriched fuel (36%) type S-36. The VVR-S research reactor served as the basis for experimental research and radioisotope production. On average, the installation functioned 5 days per week at full or variable power. The total thermal energy produced until 1997 was 9.59 GWd. Between 2015-2016 different activities for dismantling the reactor block of the research reactor was carried out. To avoid high exposure at this high risk activity, it was taken into account the maximum hazard event probability from different part of the reactor block including internal parts. The maximum gamma dose was on the high activated automatic control rod at 3 Sv/h because of the stainless steel composition of the lower part and the positioning in the middle of the reactor core. The gamma dose rate varied from 285 mSv/h until 3 Sv/h and goes down again at 1.5 Sv/h. In the same manner, we did not forget about the beta gamma contamination that was very high; the maximum value was around 31.25 k over the background in the cps (count per second) values. We expected 90Sr-90Y as fission product. We developed a case study where we systematized the steps in dismantling activities on the reactor block respecting the Alara principle.
Wei Xiao
Senior Scientist State Nuclear Power Research Institute, China.
Title: Iodine atom diffusion in SiC and Zr
Dr. Wei Xiao has completed his PhD at the age of 31 years from University of California, Berkeley. He is a senior scientist and a team leader of nuclear materials simulation group at State Nuclear Power Research Institute, China.
Silicon carbide (SiC) is a promising cladding material in light water reactor. The fuel cladding is an important safety barrier in fission nuclear reactors, as it restrains most of the radioactive fission products within its volume. The ability to keep radioactive fission products within the cladding material determines whether SiC can be used as a safe cladding material. Iodine atom diffusion in SiC is calculated with first-principles calculation and nudged elastic band method (NEB) and compared with that in Zr. Without considering vacancy effect, the diffusion rate of iodine in SiC is slower than that in Zr. Consider the vacancy from the neutron irradiation, divacancy can speed up iodine impurity diffusion in SiC. Even larger vacancies slow down iodine diffusion in SiC. Meanwhile, vacancies slow down the diffusion of iodine atom in Zr.
Alexander Papash
Scientist in Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany
Title: Beam dynamics in ultra-low energy storage rings
Alexander Papash has his expertise in accelerator physics. He has more than 30 years of research and engineering experience in design and operation with scientific and commercial accelerator facilities worldwide, including investigations of non-linear effects and ion kinetics in ultra-low energy storage rings, beam dynamics studies in electron synchrotrons and cyclotrons. He proposed consistent explanation of high beam losses rates, fast growth of momentum spread and beam size in an ultra-low energy rings. Computer simulations of non-linear effects in an electrostatic ion storage rings have been performed and beam tracking in 3D relaxation electric fields were done. Ion kinetics and long term beam dynamics including transition and equilibrium conditions in ultra-low energy rings have been investigated and benchmarked against experimental data. Some predictions on future experiment results are made. He is a Scientist currently working at Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany.
Electrostatic storage rings operate at very low energies in the keV range and have proven to be invaluable tools for atomic and molecular physics. Because of the mass independence of electric rigidity, these machines are able to store a wide range of different particles, from light ions to heavy singly charged bio-molecules, opening up unique research opportunities. However, earlier measurements have shown strong limitations on beam intensity, fast growth of beam size and decay of ion current, reduced lifetime of ion beam. The nature of these effects has not been fully understood. Also a large variety of experiments in future generation ultra-low energy storage and decelerator facilities including in-ring collision studies with a reaction microscope require a clear understanding of the physical processes involved into the operation of such rings. Nonlinear and long-term beam dynamics studies in ultra-low energy storage rings are presented on the examples of a number of existing and planned electrostatic storage ring facilities. The results from simulations were benchmarked against experimental data of beam losses in the ELISA storage ring. It was shown that decay of beam intensity is mainly caused by ion losses on ring aperture due to multiple scattering on residual gas. Beam is lost on electrostatic elements and collimators due to small ring acceptance. Rate of beam losses increases at high intensities because of the intra-beam scattering effect adds to vacuum losses. Detailed investigations into ion kinetics, under consideration of effects from electron cooling and multiple scattering of the beam on a supersonic gas jet target, were carried out and yielded a consistent explanation of the physical effects in a whole class of ultra-low energy storage rings. The lifetime, equilibrium momentum spread, and equilibrium lateral spread during collisions with the target are estimated. Based on computer simulations, the conditions for stable ring operation with an extremely low-emittance beam are predicted. Finally, results from studies into the interaction of ultra-low energy ions with a gas jet target are summarized.
Jeroen A van Kan
Professor in the Department of Physics, NUS, Singapore
Title: Development of high brightness ion sources for nuclear microprobe applications, aiming for sub 10 nm spot sizes
Professor van Kan obtained his PhD in Physics (University of Amsterdam) in 1996. In 2007 he received the Institute of Physics Singapore, Omicron Nanotechnology Award. Currently, he is Professor in the Department of Physics, NUS, Singapore. In his research he employs fast light ions for lithography and analysis. In his research group new methods are developed for next generation 3D nano-lithography with an emphasis on ion beam focusing and ion source development. He also uses nanoimprint lithography for single DNA molecules studies in nanofluidic lab on chip devices. His work has resulted in 146 scientific publications and 17 research grants.
Microscopy and miniaturization have been an integral part of scientific progress. Since MeV protons mainly interact with substrate electrons and the fact that proton induced secondary electrons just get enough energy to break bonds, a proton beam will follow a straight path through tissue or resist material. Proton microscopy has therefore several unique advantages over other forms of microscopy. The current downside is the poor source performance, about a million times less brighter compared to electron beam sources. The success of a next generation proton microscope depends on two main components: a stable high brightness source of MeV protons and a high quality focusing lens system. We have demonstrated 9.3 x 32 nm2 proton beam focus and have written 19 nm wide (100 nm tall) lines in HSQ resist. To address the limited brightness we are developing a new ion source based on electron impact ionization. Recent tests with “on chip ion sources” have shown potential to improve the ion beam brightness by a million times. This will allow us to develop a table top proton microscope capable of delivering sub 10 nm beam spot size for MeV protons. This new source will therefore enable:
· Sub 10 nm 3D nanofabrication without “proximity effects”.
· Sub 10 nm whole cell imaging, opening up new pathways to investigate the uptake of nanoparticles in drugs delivery.
· Since 0.5 MeV protons will cause double stand breaks in DNA, this new system will provide an insight to improve cancer treatment in radiobiology using 200 MeV protons.
Carmen Tuca
Scientific Researcher of IFIN-HH, at the Reactor Decommissioning Department
Title: Radiological risk assessment for hot cells decontamination
Carmen Tuca has completed her Master's studies in Theoretical Physics and Mathematics at University of Craiova, Faculty of Physics. Now she is a PhD student in Nuclear Physics at University of Bucharest, Faculty of Physics. She is Scientific Researcher of IFIN-HH, at the Reactor Decommissioning Department, responsible for environmental, occupational health and safety problems. She has published more than 15 papers in scientific journals.
The paper describes the radiological impact on the workers who perform the decontamination of a hot cell from the VVR-S nuclear research reactor (NR), used for production of radioisotopes during the operation of the NR. The assessment of dose equivalent takes into account the used manual procedure to make the floor decontamination, due to the fact that the handling devices are broken. Due to the contamination of the cell’s floor, three methods were used to determine the high radiation areas: (i) Ambient dose equivalent measurements performed with portable digital survey meter with a gamma dose rate probe placed less 1 cm above the surface; (ii) thermoluminescent dosimeters placed directly on surface; (iii) From each high radiation area, (about 100 cm2 square surface) were taken samples and measured by gamma spectrometry to determine the radionuclides and corresponding activity used to calculate the equivalent dose rate at the point where the operator was placed (about 70 cm from the measurement point). Six hot points having the same order of magnitude for activity were identified and a seventh one with an activity with three order of magnitude higher was identified. Although the measurement conditions were difficult, the results were in a satisfactory agreement, validating the measurement. The dose rate assessment is for the worker who performs direct measurements of the ambient dose equivalent and for that one who performs the decontamination of the contaminated area. The calculation hypotheses: (i) Sampling yield for activity measurement is 10%; (ii) the activity is concentrated in the highest activity point, having a total activity equal with the sum of all hot points. For the worker who measures contamination, the external penetrant dose equivalent is less than 0.13 mSv for 5 minutes (3.78 mSv/h). For the worker who performs the decontamination (placed at about 45 cm from the contaminated area): i) The external irradiation is 0.34 mSv (operation at about 12 minutes) and dose rate is 1.717 mSv/h; ii) the internal committed effective dose, E(50) received by worker due to air inhalation is about 2.40 µSv based on the assumption that in the hot cell is spread just 10-4 of the total activity and the worker wears a mask having a filter with a retention efficiency at 99%.
Tetsuaki Moriguchi
Completed his PhD in University of Tsukuba
Title: Density distribution of 14Be from reaction cross-section measurements
Tetsuaki Moriguchi has completed his PhD at the age of 29 years from University of Tsukuba. His interests are density distributions and radii of unstable nuclei located far from stability line on the nuclear chart.
We have performed reaction cross section (sR) measurements to deduce the matter density distribution of 14Be. We deduced the matter density distribution of 14Be from the measured sR of 14Be with both proton and carbon targets at around 41 and 76 MeV/nucleon and previously measured sR at relativistic energies. 14Be (Z=4, N=10) nucleus is thought to be the two-neutron halo nucleus consisting a core nucleus 12Be plus the two valence neutrons. Our observation supports this picture. Furthermore, the resultant density distribution is found to have dominant configuration of the s-wave with partial mixture of the d- or p-wave. In our analysis, 39% mixing of the p-wave is suggested. We also compared the deduced root-mean-square matter radius with the theoretical calculations. The detail of the comparison will be presented. 
Albina Orlova
Professor at Nizhny Novgorod State university, Russia
Title: Chemistry, crystal chemistry and SPS technology for elaboration of perspective materials for nuclear wastes and minor actinides consolidation
Albina Orlova is working in the field of new inorganic materials used in nuclear chemistry for radwaste immobilization of dangerous isotopes, for actinide transmutation, as well for construction materials. She uses the structure properties and physico-chemical principles for elaboration of new ceramics with mineral-like crystal forms.
Safety improvement in management of radwaste is an actual problem on the final stage of the nuclear fuel cycle. There are 450 operating nuclear reactors in the world, and 67 more are being built. In the guidelines for the management of highly radioactive waste, developed by IAEA for countries-participants, a special place is given to ceramic materials based on inorganic compounds of oxide and salt character. Ceramics are recommended with a variety of structural forms, about 30 crystal modifications. Nature similarity as a key principle of technological advances of the 21st century, including of course the materials sciences, is used by us as the base for development of mineral-like materials for nuclear technology. The report presents our data on the structural-chemical modeling of various phases of different complexity of chemical compositions with the structures of minerals kosnarite, langbeinite, monazite, whitlokite, chlorapatite, pollucite, fluorite, garnet; their synthesis in the form of nano-powders and almost non-porous ceramics and also the results of stability studies. The prepared compounds were characterized by XRD, DSC, IR methods and were tested under heating, radiation and in aqueous systems. It was confirmed the formation of com-pounds with the proposed structures. The temperature regions of their existence were established. The results of leaching and irradiation with accelerated Хе-ions are presented. To improve stability and therefore enhance the ecological safety barrier in the storage and disposal of radwaste, we apply Spark Plasma Sintering (SPS) method to synthesize the ceramics. This technology provides a ceramic sintering within 3 to 12 minutes, with a density close to theoretical value. Small duration of sintering of nuclear materials is a significant factor in reducing the risk of release of radio-nuclides to environment.
- Nuclear Chemistry
Session Introduction
Juan Manuel Navarrete
Researcher Professor in Nuclear Chemistry
Title: 40K radioactive detection for K quantitative analysis in foodstuff
Juan Manuel Navarrete is a Researcher Professor in the Faculty of Chemistry, Inorganic and Nuclear Chemistry Department, from the National University of Mexico. He obtained the PhD degree from Paris VI University, Pierre et Marie Curie, in 1992.He has published about 120 papers and served as arbitrate-in-reputed-scientific-journals.
40K radioactive detection in foodstuff is easily performed by filling Marinelli containers with any food sample in order to detect the γ rays emitted (energy 1461 KeV, 11% decaying nucleus to 40Ar by electron capture, EC), and detectd either by one NaI(Tl) scintillation or HPGe semiconductor detector. So, if each one is used during a suitable detection time, for example 12 hours overnigth, counts number with reasonable standard deviation are accumulated, and it is possible to compare and obtain better results, when Bq per gram of sample (Bq/gs) is divided by specific activity of elementary K (31.19 Bq/gK) and multiplied by 100, to get the K concentration in the sample as percentage. In this way, to obtain Bq/gs next equation is used:
Bq/gs = Cs – Cb/Ws.xDet. Eff.x0.11 (where: Cs=counts per second obtained from sample;Cb=counts per second obtained from background; Ws=foodstuff sample weigth in grams;Det. Eff.=Detection Efficiency of each detector for 1461 KeV γ rays/100; 0.11=40K branching ratio decaying to 40Ar by EC). Elementary K specific activity is a constant obtained from next equation:
Bq/gK = λN = 0.693x6.02x1023x0.0118/1.28x109x365x24x3600x39.1x100=31.19 Bq/gK
(where: λ=40K decay constant; N=40K atoms number per K gram; 0.693=ln 2; 6.02x1023= Avogadro’s number; 0.0118/100=40K isotopic abundance;1.28x109x365x24x3600=40K half life in seconds; 39.1=Elementary K atomic weigth).
And finally:
K(o/o)=Bqx100/gs / Bq/gK = gKx100/gs
So, severalvegetables, seeds and grains have been analysed for K concentration, and this paper presents the higher K concentration in peels, related to grains of cacao and coffee, obtained by this non destructive, easy and precise enough procedure.
Abdulaziz Aba
Radiometry Specialist
Title: Method Validation Approach for Environmental Radioactivity Measurements
Abdulaziz Aba is a radiometry specialist has a research experience of more than 20 years in the field of radiation detection and measurements. His background is physics & chemistry (Aleppo University-Syria) and IAEA Safeguards. He joined KISR in 2008 as an Associate Research Specialist with a task to build the infrastructure of the radiation detection and measurements. He has been actively involved in the IAEA technical cooperation projects related to environmental protection and nuclear analytical techniques. Currently, he is a lab. Supervisor of the radioactivity measurements laboratory at KISR. He has published more than 20 papers in refereed journals.
The present paper describes the experience of Kuwait Institute for Scientific Research (KISR) in relation to implementing the validation procedures of nuclear analytical test methods applied in the Radioactivity Measurements Laboratory (RML). The test methods include both destructive and non-destructive analysis of environmental samples using alpha and gamma spectrometry. These are: (a) gamma emitters in the marine sediment using ultra low gamma spectrometry, (b) determination of 210Pb, 7Be, 137Cs and 40K in dust fallout samples using well type gamma spectrometry, (c) determination of 137Cs concentration in high volume seawater samples by AMP co-precipitation method and ultra low background gamma spectrometry, (d) determination of 226Ra in drinking water by MnO2 co-precipitation method and well type gamma spectrometry, (e) uranium and plutonium determination in marine sediment by radiochemistry and alpha spectrometry. The internal method validation parameters (Minimum Detection Limit, accuracy, relative error and marginal recovery of the radiochemistry test methods were estimated) were estimated based on EUROCHM guide criteria. In addition, the uncertainty budget of the test’s method and the uncertainty components were calculated. However, an external assessment of the test’s performance has been achieved through participating in inter-comparison and proficiency testing exercises (IAEA, NPL, MAPEP, ERA). It was found that the implemented validation methodology at KISR’s RML keeps the laboratory under control and improve its reputability, where it can be implemented in another laboratory.
- Radiation Chemistry & Radioactivity
Session Introduction
Khashayar Ghandi
Associate professor in Mount Allison University, Canada
Title: Use of muon radiation methods as complementary techniques to pulse radiolysis for nuclear applications
Dr. Khashayar Ghandi, (Ph.D.-Chemistry), now is an Associate professor of Chemistry and a member of two departments of chemistry/biochemistry and physics at Mount Allison University. He is also President of the international society for muon spectroscopy, and winner of many international and national research awards in Canada. He has collaboration with several international and Canadian industries and a founder of a green technology company in Canada that won the first prize in the province of New Brunswick. He was the Chairman for Board of user committee at TRIUMF, a member of several international advisory committees related to material science and radiation technologies. He got his Ph.D. at Simon Fraser University. Currently Dr. Ghandi’s researches focus on the energy production including nuclear technologies, radiation and green chemistry.
Results from different investigations, on both fundamental science and nuclear applications of muon irradiation will be given. Some results of microscopic characterization of materials and free radicals, using muon spin spectroscopy, will be presented and discussed. The comparison with radiolysis data would be presented to show the complementary nature of muon science to pulse radiolysis along with potential new commercial applications from such results.
Norah Al-Hokbany
Assistant Professor in the Department of Chemistry at Science College of King Saud University
Title: Synthesis and characterization of a {ReO}3+ complex with S- and N-donor ligands and of its 99mTc analog
Norah Al Haqbani is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Chemistry at Science College of King Saud University where she has been a faculty member since 2005. She has a PhD (King Saud University, 2010) in inorganic chemistry (Radiopharmaceuticals) with collaboration with King Fasial Hospital research center in Riyadh. She was works with radioactive materials since 2002 of many radionuclides (9mTc, 68/76Ga, 188Re, 153Sm,64Cu, etc.). She collaborates with Ruhr University of Bochum in Germany.
A novel mixed-ligand 99mTc complex with mercaptobenzothiazole (mer) as ligand and aminothia- zole (amino) as coligand was prepared and evaluated as potential brain radiopharmaceutical. Preparation at tracer level was accomplished by substitution, using 99mTc- gluconate as precursor and a coligand/ ligand ratio of 5. Under these conditions, the labeling yield was over 97% and the major product with radiochemical purity >97% was isolated by HPLC and used for biological evaluation. The reaction of [ReO(Citrate)2]- with mer and amino in hot MeOH yields [ReO(mer)(amino)OH(H2O)2]. The DFT study demonstrated that the complex con- tains distorted octahedral ReO(V). The Re coordination sphere consists of the terminal oxo group, the S donor atom of the deprotonated mer, the N atom of the deprotonated amino, OH group, and two water molecules. Biodistribution in mice demonstrated early brain uptake, fast blood clearance, and excretion through hepatobiliary system. Although the brain/blood ratio increased significantly with time, the novel 99mTc complex did not exhibit ideal properties as brain perfusion radiopharmaceutical since brain uptake was too low.
Ai Van Tran
Corelex San-Ei Co., Ltd.
Title: Effect of a carbonized paper sludge on cesium concentration in contaminated paddy soil
Ai Van Tran has completed his PhD at the age of 28 years from Kyushu University (Japan) and postdoctoral studies from Auburn University, AL, Chemical Engineering Department. He works mainly on the biofuels, green production of pulp and paper, and decontamination of radiocontaminated paddies. He has published more than 30 papers in reputed journals, produced 8 patents of which 3 were related to radiodecontamination, and has often been asked to review manuscripts for repute journals including Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry.
Effect of a carbonized paper sludge on cesium concentration in contaminated paddy soil: Contaminated soil in a paddy field in Fukushima was treated with an industrial carbonized paper sludge (PSC) and then used to grow rice in 2011. The sum of activity concentrations of 134Cs and 137Cs in polished rice were approximately one third of the Japanese governmental safeguard value of 100 Upon contacting with the contaminated soil, the contents of calcium, magnesium, copper, potassium, barium in PSC were decreased. Among the PSC’s impregnated with various chlorides and sulfates of the previously mentioned minerals, potassium chloride, copper sulfate, magnesium sulfate and potassium sulfate gave higher decontamination degrees compared to the original PSC. These results imply that radioactive cesium in the soil exchanges cations with these minerals.
Anfal Ismaeel
Senior Research Associate in KISR
Title: Depositional Fluxes of Radionuclides in Kuwaiti Dust Fallout
Anfal Ismaeel Graduated in 2011 from the Kuwait University, College of Graduated Studies (Program of Environmental Science). She is a senior research associate in KISR and working in the Radiation Measurement Laboratory. She participated in long-term fellowship programs on the environmental applications of gamma spectrometry at the IAEA laboratories in Seibersdorf, Austria, and Bundesamt für Strahlenschutz, Germany. She worked in radioactivity measurements related for several KISR’s projects. And contributed to several published papers in refried journals.
Nine stations of the dust collector (PVC bucket of 0.2 m diameter and 0.4 m depth) were deployed to collect dust fallout for the period of 23 mo (Oct 2009 to Aug 2011) on monthly bases. Adequate dust samples were collected using four collectors in each station. The weight of the collected dust were varied from 0.5 g to about 3 g. Ultra Low Background gamma spectrometry equipped with a Broad Energy Germanium detector was used to determine the concentration of (7Be, 210Pb, 40K and 137Cs). However, the corrected factor for the sampling time was applied for the short-lived isotope (7Be). The radionuclide deposition rates were calculated using the massic activities (Bq.g-1) and the deposition fluxes (g m-2 mo-1). The average monthly deposition rates were 35.4, 11.2, 13.2, and 0.3 (Bq m-2 mo-1) for 7Be, 210Pb, 40K and 137Cs, respectively. The temporal variation of the radionuclides depositions rates showed maxima during spring months (February, March, and April) and lowest in October and November. Similar trend was found for the dust deposition rates where the average was 50 mg m-2 h-1 with an extreme value of 664 mg m-2 h-1 was reported during March 2011 when an exotic dust storm hit Kuwait. The correlation between the radionuclide depositional fluxes and the dust deposition rates showed that 40K has the strongest correlation (0.92) while the 7Be was the weakest (0.67). The maximum of the annual effective dose of 137Cs inhalation was found negligible (2.43 10-3 mSv).
Diane Lebeau
Research Engineer CEA, France
Title: Direct mass spectrometry analysis for the understanding of polymers degradation mechanisms
Diane LEBEAU has completed her PhD from UPMC University (Paris, France) and postdoctoral studies from Roche Diagnostics laboratories in Germany. She is research engineer in the Laboratory of Radiolysis and Organic Matter (LRMO) at the French Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission (CEA, France) since 2009. As a specialist in analytical chemistry, she contributes to the research program conducted by the CEA and devoted to small organic molecules and polymer degradation in the nuclear context. She has published 10 papers.
Because of the wide range of formulations, one class of polymer can have different composition (nature of the monomer, quantity and concentration of monomers for copolymers, average molar mass and so on). Their additives can also be adjusted. In the area of polymers analysis, one of the most important interest is to develop analytical methods allowing a fast and complete characterization of its chemical structure. In the very special context of the nuclear industry, and more specially in the nuclear waste safety domain, degradation mechanisms of polymers have to be understood up to doses as high as dozen of MGy. At theses doses, materials are highly modified, depending on the polymer kind and on the additives. The first in the understanding of the mechanisms is to characterize materials at different doses.
Mass spectrometry allows today to analyze molecules directly from sample for rapid analysis, without any sample preparation. In this study, two ionization sources have been used, Atmospheric Solid Probe Analysis (ASAP) and Direct Analysis in Real Time (DART), for characterization of two industrial polymers, polyurethanes and polyethylene.
DART technique allows detection of additives with good intensity, whereas ASAP technique allows a better desorption of high molar mass polymers in function of their volatilization and/or degradation temperature. Thus, these results compare and contrast these two complementary thermal-based ionization techniques for the direct study of crude polymer. In the nuclear context, these two sources allow to help to follow and understand chemical modification of the polymer with dose.
- Nuclear Fuel Cycle
Session Introduction
Solene Legand
Research Engineer
Title: Characterization of water soluble products formed by polymer degradation in the context of waste management
S. LEGAND has completed her Master “Instrumentations and methods of chemical, spectroscopic, electronic and nuclear analyses” from Strabourg University in France. This young research engenieer is working in the Laboratory of Radiolysis and Organic Matter (LRMO) at the French Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission (CEA) in the last 10 years. As a specialist in analytical chemistry, she contributes to the research programme conducted by the CEA in collaboration with AREVA, EDF and Andra and devoted to polymer degradation in the context of ILW-LL waste management. She has published 8 papers.
Polymers are widely used in the nuclear industry and will be found in Intermediate Level Waste Long Lived (ILW-LL) nuclear waste packages. In the French context, the ILW-LL packages are to be disposed of in a geological repository. During long term disposal, hydrosoluble degradation products (HDPs) can be formed from radio-oxydation and alkaline hydrolysis of polymers [1]. For the safety assessment of the repository it is important to characterize and identify the products that are able to increase the mobility of radionuclides [2-5]. In this study, different polymers are irradiated with γ‑rays under air at doses higher than 1 MGy : polyurethane, polyvinyl chloride, polyethylene and cellulose are the most common polymers and are mainly used as gloves, bottles or glove box bags. Non-irradiated and irradiated materials are hydrolyzed in alkaline or pure water, at 60°C under anaerobic conditions. Concentrated HDP solutions are obtained, analyzed and studied with the objective to understand the degradation process in presence of water. The aim is to identify the water-soluble compounds formed and to explain the impact of oxidative ageing on the hydrolytic degradation of the polymers. The ionic chromatography is used to quantify small carboxylic acids. The gas Chromatography – Mass Spectrometry coupling allows us to identify the volatile organic molecules. Then, the electrospray source coupled with Quadrupole – Time Of Flight is used to characterize the most polar water-soluble molecules. As the total organic carbon and organic molecules are quantified, mass balances are established and mechanisms can be introduced.